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Wisehub Summit
19 November 2016, Cape Town, Western Cape
International leaders in education making a difference.
Leaders who “desire to make a giant impact that no one expected”. The major focus was education; to fix our broken system here in South Africa. My brief was to inspire a group of high school pupils to build their own eco house next year. I went a step further by illustrating DIY ways to make their own wind turbine, photovoltaic panel, solar geyser, rain water tank, grey water system, waste composter and food garden. So they leave school - not as victims of circumstance - but as masters of their destiny.
Delegates included educators, academics, government officials and others with an extraordinary range of ideas and solutions… from working with Bedouin nomads in the Sahara; insight from a reformed ex-Cape Flats gangster; a principal who turned around a broken rural school to 100% matric pass rate; a Scottish lady’s invention in a lunch box to bring education to up to 200 learners simultaneously for 48 hours via the internet, without electricity. So many solutions from teachers who teach because it is a calling not a job.