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SAACI - SA Association for the Conference Industry
29 - 31 July 2018, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, Gauteng
Now here's an innovative way to get more speakers involved at a conference.
Two speakers presenting, with two screens on stage, at the same time. Delegates are given earphones with a switch to tune into the speaker they prefer. Room is silent.
Mine are the ones with green earphones... the ones who are laughing... the majority, dare I say!
A bit disappointed - after two days of research and preparing my presentation - and more than a bit apprehensive about the Silent Panel technology. But it actually turned into a fun event; a win/win. Plus, I probably got the people who were really interested anyway.
Spoke on the Impact of Climate Change on the Tourism and Events Industry, with an emphasis on the future of food.
Thank you SAACI Official for the opportunity. It was an excellent event. And, thank you Silent Events SA.