

Hotelstuff was launched in 2001 by Lorraine Jenks. It is an online directory for everybody, not only hotels. We don't sell anything or take commission. It is free to use and subscribers pay an annual subscription to list.

Originally developed to help hospitality buyers and suppliers find each other, the website has evolved into a platform for all: homes, hotels, offices, government, hospitals, architects, designers, etc.


Our sister website www.greenstuff.co.za links back to the main www.hotelstuff.co.za website and our service has become known as Hotelstuff/Greenstuff.

Greenstuff is a directory of green, eco-friendly products and services. Our hidden agenda was to change mindsets and make it easy to 'go green', and ironically and to our delight, this has become the core focus of our work!


It is much, much more than a directory. We actively promote our subscribers via newsletters, workshops, consultations, exhibitions, presentations and "full-Monty" projects where we build mock hotels or homes at major exhibitions like Hostex or Decorex, mostly as part of our mission to encourage greener lifestyle choices. Have a look at the pictures in our Project Gallery!


International professional speaker, Climate Change Reality leader, sustainability facilitator, responsible tourism and hospitality influencer, green procurement consultant and ethical food activist, Lorraine Jenks is a leader in motivating better practices in both the corporate and private sectors.

With over 50 years of experience in environmental activism and a sense of humour to match, get ready for a professional but personal experience from “The Little Green Queen” where personality and positive energy balance the seriousness of the topics at hand.

Gutsy, witty and passionate, Lorraine started her journey as an activist in California in 1969 – and has never looked back! With two leading online companies to her name, she is qualified to speak knowledgeably and practically on environmental awareness, going green, climate change, conscious procurement and environmental ethics.

To book Lorraine for your next event visit her personal website: lorrainejenks.com